"I wish I could hop in a time machine, zoom back, and whisper invaluable life and money lessons into the ears of my younger, eager self."

The amount of times that statement has reverberated inside my head...

Unfortunately for me, time travel remains a scientific unicorn so my younger self will have to continue on the arduous journey that has brought me here today. Fortunately for YOU, I still want to share my lessons, wisdom and knowledge so that your learning curve can be a bit less steep and easier to navigate.

Welcome to The Intelligence Compass!

Let's get something straight from the get-go. Your journey with me isn’t about chasing quick riches or unlocking the 'secrets' of overnight success, or "bro marketing" (I will reserve my full opinion on that last in order to remain professional here).

This is about building your intelligence. It’s about constructing a robust foundation of knowledge, fostering a resilient and proactive mindset, and confidently navigating towards your wealth aspirations, with a steady, assured hand on the wheel. This is YOUR show and I am your financial Yoda!

What Seems to be the Problem Exactly?

The education system to be blunt!

I loved maths and physics in high school, but knowing how to integrate third order differential equations, or analysing Schrodinger's issues with his pets has hardly helped me to do my taxes!

Young individuals often set out on their financial journey with limited knowledge and guidance, finding themselves lost in a maze of investment options and financial planning, and as a result, often end up making risky decisions.

Traditional education systems have left a gaping hole, failing to prepare them for the real-world financial challenges they inevitably face. And more often than not, they're lacking a mentor to guide them.

Why The Intelligence Compass?

Because it’s anchored in real-life, hard-earned experience and knowledge. I’ve navigated through life’s many challenges (war, illness, heartbreak, you name it), learned from my mistakes, and finally, prospered (more on that in the About Me section).

I am dedicated to sharing these insights with you transparently and truthfully out of a firm belief in the power of shared knowledge and mutual support. In a world abundant with opportunities, withholding transformative knowledge like this is a disservice to your fellow human - I firmly believe that. Success should never be a lonely endeavor.

I am here to arm you not only with technical know-how but also with the confidence and psychological resilience required to sidestep common pitfalls and flourish in your wealth creation journey.

I want this to be more than a learning platform. I want it to be a space for growth, understanding, and a tool for your transformation into a financially empowered and intelligent individual.

Big Words, But How Do You Plan On Achieving This?

There are three key elements to success in this area:

  • Fluency: Building your fluency is your starting point - this is core to everything and should not be skipped unless you are Warren Buffet himself. The Academy will simplify complex financial terms and lay down foundational principles in a way that’s engaging and easy to grasp.
  • Mindset: It is my strongest belief that the missing ingredient in most people's journey's toward wealth is having the right mindset. This encompasses the psychological and emotional aspects necessary for financial success, including confidence, resilience, and a positive, proactive approach to wealth-building.
  • Strategy: The previous two are great foundational pillars, but they are no good unless you have a strategy to implement these skills . This pillar is the practical application of knowledge and mindset, where users learn to develop and implement effective financial strategies at different risk levels to achieve the optimal outcome.

The Nexus: Your True North

At the core where these three intersect is The Nexus. This is where technical acumen, a robust psychological framework, and practical, intelligent strategy unite, equipping you with a holistic toolkit for not just navigating but truly mastering the financial landscape.

This is our goal, and my wish for you. To reach your Nexus!

The other intersections, while valuable, fall short of providing the comprehensive understanding and approach needed for sustained wealth-building and financial stability.

Join Me in Crafting a Future of Wealth

With The Intelligence Compass, you’re embarking on more than a learning journey. This is a transformative expedition towards growth, understanding, and empowerment.

So, with open arms, I welcome you aboard. Together, let’s set sail towards a horizon where wealth is not a distant dream but a tangible, achievable reality.

Welcome aboard!